Herron Coorey tendered and were selected to construct a new school with kindergarden extension in Redbank Plains.

The project works were undertaken on a greenfield site and after initial demolition of an existing carport & shed. Construction of four buildings were completed – comprising two GLA’s, one Administration building and a sports hall with canteen and uniform shop with associated storage and amenities. Soft and hardscape landscaping was performed to all areas in addition to fencing in the existing oval to act as a sports field.
Retaining walls and ancillary buildings were required to accommodate a maintenance shed, transformer, bin enclosure and large car parking & roadworks were performed within the site and to the external road leading to the school (Halletts Road).
Further project works included the construction of separate Kindergarten associated with the school to be completed in line with the main school project.
Herron Coorey worked for Gibson Architects, structural engineer Design Engineers Queensland and electrical & mechanical engineers Ashburner Francis to create this new school.

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