Herron Coorey was engaged to redevelop the heritage-listed Elizabeth Picture Theatre. Originally the Queensland Irish Club, and known as ‘Tara House’, this building’s history dates back to 1919, but came into new ownership in 2015.
Herron Coorey partnered with clients, Stephen & Peter Sourris, to redevelop the heritage-listed building into a premium cinema complex. Sure to maintain its iconic high ceilings and archways, we refurbished the hall so that it now boasts five stunning cinemas, with the possibility of the addition of a further two. The redevelopment works also included a full bar and kitchen facility, an outdoor entertainment area, and boardrooms for functions.
This project was engaged upon a cost-plus contract, and its completion was valued at $2.33m. It took a duration of 25 weeks, and was finished in 2017.
Herron Coorey partnered with the architects at JDA Co., and the structural engineers at Optimum Structures, bringing the ElizabethPicture Theatre back to its former glory.

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